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Friends of the
University for the South East

Many of the education needs in the South East have been served by the strengths of WIT and before when it was WRTC. However, for a long time, there has been a much greater need for access to a top-quality, university-level facility, for the population of the South East. WIT has grown from strength to strength to become the Sunday Times highest-ranked Institute of Technology in the country (3 times) and is leading the way in undergraduate student development and postgraduate/career research. WIT is the leading Institute of Technology in Ireland for Horizon 2020 funding from the EU, its award tally is greater than that of all other Institute’s of Technology combined. It stands apart.
please note that neither WIT nor IT Carlow is affiliated with FUSE in any way

Who are FUSE?

FUSE stands for Friends of University for the South East. We are an independent group of like-minded people from across the South East campaigning for a University for the South East region. People from a wide variety of backgrounds have come together, united for one cause – to bring a university to the South East!

our case

Does it affect me?

Whether you are a student, a parent, a taxi driver, shop assistant, builder, unemployed or in a host of other professions a university will impact you!

Find out more

What can I do?

There are many things you can do to help:

Write to local ministers and press
Write to the Minister for Education
Help Raise Awareness
Get Involved with FUSE

getting involved

Kept in the dark

Every major region in Ireland has a university except the South East. Don’t let the educational needs of the South East remain neglected.

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don't let the educational needs of the South East remain neglected
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