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WIT is Operating at University Level

From the Munster Express

“The 27-page document, dated July 21st 2007, includes this telling declaration: ‘Simply on the merits of its application, we would respect and support WIT’s view that it has many of the features of a university, and, arguably, should be considered as a candidate for university status.’ Interestingly, on the same page of the report, just two paragraphs above that particular recommendation, Dr Port also states: “If it was designated, WIT would remain distinctive as a different type of institute from the existing universities with a more technological slant and a significant volume of sub-degree work. In some systems, this might be described as the profile of a technological university (in the UK, there are several types of university, some with sub-degree work and a vocational focus), but of course there is no such type of university in Ireland at present.” The TU Bill is currently being discussed in the Seanad, as we reported upon last week, and quite what would become of this process in the event of a change of government remains uncertain.”

Read the full article here…

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